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PAREF Southcrest provides a welcoming educational home for girls who are determined to do something great in their lives.

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PAREF Southcrest School

perducere semitas ad astra

PAREF Southcrest School

perducere semitas ad astra

Founded in 1995, PAREF Southcrest School is a non-profit, independent, single-gendered school for girls located at the heart of Cebu City. As a non-profit, all its income is invested back into the school for the benefit of the students.

PAREF Southcrest is committed to provide a world-class humanistic, classical and global education that is relevant and responsive to the needs of the times amidst the fast pace of technological changes and the uncertainties and challenges our students and their families face.

PAREF Southcrest offers vision and values in the midst of volatility, understanding in the midst of uncertainty, clarity in the midst of complexity and adaptability in the midst of ambiguity.

We have a wonderful community life where the parents, staff, and students form a strong family bond that facilitates home-school partnership. The mentoring program (each student has an adult mentor) serves as a beautiful support system as it facilitates that each child is known, loved, and cared for.

PAREF Southcrest School

PAREF Southcrest School Experience

Briefly What's New?

Briefly What's New?

Salute to our Astras Achievers

Salute to our Astras Achievers

International and National Scholarships

Alumnae Corner

Alumnae Corner

Our Astras alumnae are talented individuals with a wealth of experiences and skills that they can share with the school community through talks, interviews and panel discussions. They continue to participate in school activities like Family Day. Outreach, Christmas Programs, Career Talks, marketing etc. We believe that having a strong and supportive alumni is essentiel to the school's success.

"In Southcrest, I cultivated my ability to lead and my knack for working in a team."

-- Sydney Tan, Batch 2014

"In Southcrest, I cultivated my ability to lead and my knack for working in a team."

-- Sydney Tan, Batch 2014

"It is a school where everyone matters and, where strong and life-long friendships are established. In PAREF Southcrest, each child is treated as an individual person. Each child is known, loved, and prayed for and is dealt with like a precious stone so that she may later shine and give light and support to others."

-- Emylou C. Visaya

Executive Director

"It is a school where everyone matters and, where strong and life-long friendships are established. In PAREF Southcrest, each child is treated as an individual person. Each child is known, loved, and prayed for and is dealt with like a precious stone so that she may later shine and give light and support to others."

-- Emylou C. Visaya

Executive Director



PAREF Southcrest School
is a member of the PAREF School System


PAREF Students are thriving at these top universities both here and abroad.