PAREF Southcrest School in its first site
PAREF Southcrest is one of the PAREF schools in the Philippines. PAREF, which stands for Parents for Educational Foundation, started in 1977 in Manila to provide excellent education in academics and character through close home-school partnership and mentoring. In 1976, a group of parents inspired by the teachings of St. Josemaria Escriva formed a foundation whose main corporate objective is to build schools. PAREF benchmarked with similar foundations abroad like FOMENTO (Spain).
Started in 1995, PAREF Southcrest School has gradually built its reputation to be one of the best private schools in Cebu. It is a place where students are exposed to a wide range of learning opportunities to prepare them well for college and the world beyond.
The educational philosophy of PAREF Southcrest or any PAREF School for that matter, is inspired by the teachings on education of St. Josemaria Escriva who was canonized by Blessed Pope John Paul II on October 6, 2002.
PAREF believes that parents are the primary character educators of their children, and for a child to mature and reach her full potential, both the home and the school should share the same values and vision for their children.
Academic excellence founded upon Christian virtues and values.
Southcrest aims to provide a balanced and high-level of academic and personal formation for its students, their parents, faculty, and staff so that they live according to the Christian ideal in service to the community. This is achieved through active home-school collaboration among parents, school administration, faculty and mentors.
“Perdúcere semitas ad astra”
(Blaze a trail to the stars)
The word astra, a Latin word meaning star, is part of our school motto: Perducere semitas ad astra (Blaze a trail through the stars). It is also a Hindu term representing a weapon which is a symbol of strength and excellence, values our school holds dearly.
By being called the Astras, each and every one of us should be reminded of our school and what it stands for. We come together as the Astras to celebrate what each one of us in school has achieved and will achieve.
We are the Astras. We are called to greatness! We blaze a trail to the stars!

PAREF Southcrest School
is a member of the PAREF School System